About Me

  • Full Name:Rezi Apriliansyah
  • Phone:+62 898 1073 502
  • Email:reziapriliansyah@gmail.com
  • Address:Kenanga Artha Residence Blok B30, Subang , Jawa Barat

Hello There!

I’m a software engineer with 5+ years experience developing, testing, and maintaining enterprise software applications. Designed and developed over 10 advanced applications from use cases and functional requirements. Investigated new technologies to make sure that company remained the leader in setting industry standards in past years.  

My Resume

  • Work Experience

  • Software Engineer - Backend

    Two Point Five - Maret 2023 - Current

    I designed and developed backend services using Golang and gRPC to support the frontend of a blockchain-based application. This involved creating a database schema and writing SQL queries for MySQL to efficiently store and manage data for the application. To ensure consistency across different environments, I implemented Docker containers for development, testing, and production. Furthermore, I integrated the Metamask wallet to enable secure transactions on the blockchain network. I also contributed to the development of smart contracts using the Solidity programming language. Collaborating closely with frontend developers, I ensured seamless integration between the frontend and backend components of the application. When issues arose, I utilized Git and GitHub to debug and fix them promptly, ensuring a stable codebase.

  • Software Engineer - Backend

    Shopee Indonesia - January 2022 - Maret 2023

    I developed and maintained REST APIs using Golang for the Shopee game platform, resulting in improved overall performance and user experience. Additionally, I implemented caching using Redis to reduce the load on the database and enhance response times. I also utilized gRPC to build high-performance microservices for the platform. Managing and maintaining MySQL databases ensured the system's reliability and scalability. Working with Kafka and Pubsub enabled the processing of real-time data and events for the Shopee Indonesia platform. I leveraged GitLab CI for continuous integration and delivery, automating the testing and deployment of code changes. Collaborating with cross-functional teams, including frontend developers and data scientists, I successfully delivered high-quality software products that aligned with the business requirements and met the needs of end-users.

  • Backend Engineer

    Evos Esport - January 2021 - January 2022

    I efficiently deployed and integrated software engineered by the team, updated integration/deployment scripts to improve continuous integration practices, and built REST APIs and third-party integrations using Go with PostgreSQL and Docker Container. Additionally, I implemented Message Broker Kafka and NSQ, built a flexible modeling database with PostgreSQL and Go, and collaborated with Product Managers to identify minimum valuable product requirements and translate them into well-scoped user stories for individual team members.

  • Software Engineer - Backend

    RCTI+ - Nov 2019 - Desember 2020

    I led the technical development for a news aggregator, overseeing the transition from a traditional build production server to Docker Container & Kubernetes, implementing Message Broker Kafka, and carrying out continuous identification, measurement, and improvement of processes while completing maintenance on existing programs and transitioning the programming language from Python to Golang, all while building innovative microservices and web services.

  • Junior Backend Developer

    Ayannah.com - June 2019 - October 2019

    Responsible to develop , test , maintain, and monitor Ayannah Borrower , Lender ,  GeoMapping Backend With Golang , PostgreSQL , and Docker Container  

  • Education

  • Bachelors Degree

    Sriwiyaja University - 2013 - 2019

    The first time I got to know what coding was, I learned the fundamentals and other basics.

My Services

Web Design

Building Website for Company Profile and other what you need.

Mobile Apps

Building Mobile apps like android and ios.


Supporting Event or Something you need.


Language & Frameworks:​ Golang, NodeJS, Python, and PHP.

CI/CD​​:​ ​Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Gitlab CI/CD ,Github Actions, and Bitbucket Pipeline. 

Database​:​ MongoDB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, and ElasticSearch​.  

Cloud:​ AWS, Ali Cloud, GCP, and Heroku​.

Others​:​ ​Git, Ubuntu, Kafka, NSQ, GRPC , Grafana, and Locus.
